

Finance overview guide

This guide aims to provide a brief overview of finance and recruiting topics for general members and those interested in learning more about pursuing finance as a career. The guide also references more in-depth resources for future research and learning into the industry and job recruiting, and is meant to be used as a starting point for further learning on the industry.


Finance recruiting guide

This guide was written to provide guidance to students at Western University that are looking to pursue a career in finance, particularly in investment banking. It is predominantly meant for pre-Ivey and Ivey students, but also applies to main campus students that do not have access to business school resources.


previous year Resources

Prior year Western Investment Club resources are available at the following OneDrive link. Please ensure you are logged into your Western University OneDrive account to receive access.


Buy/sell presentations

In order to manage our portfolio and educate members, WIC makes buy and sell pitches on a weekly basis. Find below a historical database of pitches that WIC analysts and researchers have put together. The following presentations are abbreviated versions. Presentations here do not accurately reflect the current holdings in the Western Investment Club portfolio.